FAQs About Teen Excoriation Disorder
If you've noticed your teen excessively picking their skin, take a look at the top questions parents have about excoriation disorder.
If you've noticed your teen excessively picking their skin, take a look at the top questions parents have about excoriation disorder.
Anxiety can directly affect both what teens eat and how much they eat. Take a look at some important connections between food and teen anxiety.
Recognizing that your child is suffering from an acute anxiety disorder doesn’t happen overnight. However, during the sometimes long and painful realization process, there can be “a-ha” moments when it…
Do you have an anxiety disorder? Besides the usual symptoms, take a look at these lesser-known, but equally as important, signs of anxiety.
Recognizing that your child is suffering from an acute anxiety disorder doesn’t happen overnight. However, during the sometimes long and painful realization process, there can be “a-ha” moments when it…
Teenagers have always had a complex emotional relationship with school, which may cause anxiety. Learn about how school can aggravate teenage anxiety.
People commonly feel awkward and unattractive throughout adolescence, especially as their bodies keep changing and growing. However, if these feelings progress into an all-consuming obsession, the affected teenager may have…
If you struggle with anxiety or phobias, you may find it helpful to learn some basic facts such as common fears and available treatments.