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Foundations: ERP Fundamentals in OCD Treatment (4-part weekly series beginning Jan 4th)


This course was held on January 4, 2024


Stacey Dobrinsky, PhD, Director of Training

Welcome Anxiety Institute’s new and innovative series of training courses: Foundations: ERP Fundamentals in OCD Treatment.
January 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th

Upon completion of this 4-part weekly training series with Stacey Dobrinsky, Ph.D, of Anxiety Institute, participants will be able to effectively treat clients with OCD using evidence-based, gold standard treatment. Ideal for psychologists, social workers and related professionals to learn practical applications in treating OCD, using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).

Ideal for early career clinicians, more experienced clinicians and related professionals who wish to gain competency in this recognized and effective treatment of OCD. This convenient course will be formatted as four 90-minute live training Zoom sessions, including time for questions and discussion. The course design accommodates varying skill levels and learning styles and will be interactive in nature.

CE credit(s) available for clinical professionals, psychologists, therapists, counselors, and social workers.* Please email for additional continuing education details.

Learning Objectives

  • Acquire fundamental principles of ERP and its practice
  • Gain competency in diagnosis and intervention of OCD
  • Implement empirically proven methods of ERP into real time therapy

4 weekly sessions at 9:00-10:30 am EST on January 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th.

  • Section 1: Introduction to principles of ERP
  • Section 2: Diagnosis and Intervention of OCD
  • Section 3: ERP fundamentals and sample exposures
  • Section 4: Implementation of ERP strategies

All presentations will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

*1st profession // Psychology Accreditation (APA) covers psychologists in 49 states (not NY). 2nd profession // Accreditation for (ASWB) covers SW in 48 states (not NY, NJ)

Stacey Dobrinsky, PhD

Director of Training

BA, Rutgers University // MA, Montclair State University // MEd, University of Florida // PhD, University of Florida

Dr. Stacey Dobrinsky has over ten years of experience treating children and adolescents with OCD and anxiety disorders. She was a founding faculty member of the McLean OCD Institute for Children and Adolescent program (OCD Jr.) and ultimately served as the Clinical Director. Stacey specializes in severe, treatment refractory anxiety and OCD while utilizing a combination of exposure response prevention (ERP) and acceptance commitment therapy (ACT) in her treatment.

She has been trained through the International OCD Foundation’s Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTTI) and has completed the Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) training. She is also certified in cognitive processing therapy (CPT) for PTSD. Stacey has given multiple presentations on OCD, Anxiety and ACT, both locally and nationally.

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Questions regarding this course?

Kyrsten Bravo

Phone: (203) 570-9623